Tuesday 6 August 2013

Top iPhone Apps for Plant Lovers

Top iPhone Apps for Plant Lovers
People have various hobbies and each completely different from the other. There are so many things one can have access to by simply using their iPhone right and one of them is honing one's hobbies. If you have the tendency to pick up a pair of pruning scissors and go snip-snip on the plants in your balcony, lawn or garden and find it therapeutic, then you would be amazed at the number of iPhone apps out there that will help you indulge your green thumb.
Here is a list of the top iPhone apps on gardening, based on various iPhone app reviews:
Garden Plan Pro: Think of this as a large calendar and notebook on gardens. It briefs the users on the types of plants that can be grown during different times of the year and also gives you weather updates as a bonus. It categorizes all the plants you have and also the ones you're planning on buying, giving you the best time of year to buy them along with the conditions necessary for their healthy growth. In short, Garden Plan Pro is a powerhouse of information for the avid gardener.
Garden Lite: A horde of information is stored in this small app's huge database. It is easily one of the top iPhone apps in the market on gardening, with its vast array of plant species along with details on where they should be grown, how and why. You can go through its enormous library and easily read up on any species of plants that interests you.
Garden Plot: With this awesome free app you can track the growth of your plant, from birth to full grown tree or shrub, depending on its type. You can set its birth date from the time you planted the seed and add important events in its growth as you go, along with pictures and descriptions. An interesting way to connect with other gardeners is what makes this one of the top iPhone apps.
Mother Earth News: Centralized around the gardening theme, this app allows for discussions on other topics as well such as organic food, a lot of 'do it on your own' methods of planting, horticulture and environment amongst others.
Other top iPhone apps like NatureGate and iPflanzen can instantly identify a plant for you by just sending them a picture of it. These new apps increase your knowledge of plants and their behaviors, all the while teaching you to observe by watching closely. They also have a feature through which you can identify a plant by giving out small details like the color of the flower, or the shape of the leaf.

Sameera ChathurangaPosted By Lotfi Ben Taleb

Tunisian Blogger obsessed with technology news and innovations around the world. contact me

Thank You


  1. hello,
    iphone apps always delight and attract the users and iphone apps are really effective which makes user work easy.
