Wednesday 31 July 2013

Nintendo Wii Repair - Questions and Answers

Many people may want to take apart their Nintendo Wii console for repair. You need to know where to start.
This is a list of common questions and answers to those questions on taking apart your Wii. If you have any questions while you are repairing your console make sure to come back to this article so you can see if your question is answered here.
I will try to keep the answers as simple as possible so they are easy for you to understand.
Question: If I open my Wii will the warranty I have still be good?
Answer: Sadly, no. If you open up a console that is under a warranty it basically makes the warranty void. However, if you open it up you can probably still send it in to be fixed by Nintendo for around 75 U.S. dollars.
Question: How do I know what is wrong with my console?
Answer: There is no straight forward answer to this question. A common problem is that the laser lens that reads the discs stops working. There are many problems you may have though. The best thing you can do is to go to a tech forum online and describe the problem you are having. A lot of the people on tech forums are smart people and will be able to help you out.
Question: What tools do I need to take apart the Wii?
Answer: There are two tools you will needto get inside the console. You will need a small tri wing screwdriver and a small Phillips screwdriver. Most of the screws that hold together the Wii have tri wing heads but there are also a few Phillips screws that are used.
Question: Why does Nintendo use tri wing screws instead of a more common type of screw?
Answer: It is simply because they don't want you to take apart their products. The harder they make it for you to fix it on your own, the more likely you are to have them fix it.
Question: Can I use an alternative solution besides a tri wing screwdriver?
Answer: There are a few things you can use around the house to take out the tri wing screws but I would recommend you didn't. The reason for this is because it is very easy to strip the screws with these homemade tools. Once you strip a screw it is almost impossible to get it out. Play it safe and use a screwdriver.

Sameera ChathurangaPosted By Lotfi Ben Taleb

Tunisian Blogger obsessed with technology news and innovations around the world. contact me

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