Saturday 6 July 2013

Get the Latest Technology Into Your Classroom and Make It a Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom

by Siddharth Bera

The days of chalk and blackboard are long gone. Notes in copies are fading away. It's time to move with the development of the technology. Web technology and multimedia technology that are developed and advanced every day all around the world.
Education has taken part in the development towards using newer methods and providing service with efficiency. Education through. Let us see how that works and what the benefits are.

What is a virtual classroom?
The virtual classroom is the term that can be used to denote to any or education system that takes the help of modern web technology along with multimedia advancements. In this type of classrooms, the basic mode and method of teaching is same but the difference is the medium and the platform. In such classroom there is no place for chalks, notes and other traditional learning tools.
There is a teacher who presents a topic via the virtual media. He may or may not present in the class. Yet can continue teaching using the presentation, control the class using surveillance system and interact with students over interactive platforms.
What are the features of a virtual classroom?
Virtual provides a comfortable platform for teaching as well as for learning. With the modern technology and virtual presentation teaching many topicsbecome easier. For instance, concept building on the relativistic topics, 3-Dimensional concepts and other similar topics can be discussed using graphics which makes it easier and quicker for the students to grasp the matter which earlier need a lot of brainstorming.
Certain advantages that it provides over the normal classroom are:
- There is little urgency to jot down notes. Most of the information, concept and data are supplied virtually in the class. The students can put their maximum on the understanding part, which is the most essential.
- Sessions can be recorded and used by students to understand any topic at a later point of time, without the need of tutor or special doubt clearing classes.
-A mode ofthe, asynchronous and linear learning provides students to study at their personal pace, without having to slow down for the whole class or skipping topics to cope with the pace.
With these advantages and an interest among the young students towards the newer technologies has made this a relative success. You can organise your own virtual classroom, at a school or private tutoring with the help of professionals like the Epitome Solutions

Sameera ChathurangaPosted By Lotfi Ben Taleb

Tunisian Blogger obsessed with technology news and innovations around the world. contact me

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